
Is creating a contact centre in Poland operating on a European scale po ssible?

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When talking with our partners from the outsourcing industry, we often hear the following question: “How did you do that? We tried and failed”. Each time, the question refers to the same subject – creating a contact centre, which is able to implement projects in several dozens of languages and can be effective in that matter. The answer is complex. These are its main components.

TEAM and a language quality

Tivron is a company which has been operating in Kraków for over 3 years. Year by year, we are building an image of an employer which cares for employees and appreciate them. Our candidates are thoroughly verified and we finally decide to cooperate only with the best. One of the key skills we assess is knowledge of a foreign language – 90% of our consultants are fluent in a given language at a native speaker’s level. As we want to offer services in 12 European languages, we gladly employ those who cannot speak Polish. We adjust our training courses to their needs and we introduce them to work in their mother tongue. Having such high language quality – in most cases an interlocutor on the other side of the phone believes they speak with a compatriot – is critical from the perspective of clients.

HR DEPARTMENT and high sales indicators and staff turnover

It would be impossible to build a team without the engagement and professionalism of the HR department employees. The tools we use to recruit candidates probably overlap the ones used by other call/contact centres. However, the key to acquire new employees lies in the method of recruitment. We are not the only ones who ask questions during an interview – a consultant-to-be is supposed to feel they want to work with us. The interview is a perfect occasion to present one’s strengths. We openly provide a candidate with information on the remuneration we offer, which is highly attractive considering the current situation on the market, even in the light of the offers concerning jobs in corporations, which are more than many in Kraków. Acquisition and training of employees so that they achieve high sales and quality results is the domain of the contact centre industry as well as a prerequisite for acquiring and maintaining projects. Although the task is challenging, majority of companies has mastered it to the peak of perfection. The second element, which allows us to gain competitive advantage, is a very small staff rotation among consultants (which has remained stable at a level of <10% since the last year).

An obvious benefit stemming from the small staff rotation is simultaneously a guarantee of constancy of implementation of our projects.

ATTENTION TO DETAILS in conversations

Without knowing the customs of a given country and clients’ tendencies it is more difficult to establish a contact with a foreign interlocutor. In order to increase effectiveness in getting through and closing a call, it is crucial to pay attention to such elements as time of the day of making a call, presentation of a local number used for calling, public holidays, and clients preferences. An offer which contains providing services in several or several dozens of languages is still unusual on the Polish outsourcing
market. From our point of view, creating a contact centre which operates on a European scale is possible and feasible.

At the same time, due to a growing demand for the companies of this kind, accepting a challenge connected with extending services to include multilingualism will translate into an increase of the scale and a stable financial result.