
#74 2022 update from IT industry in Ukraine

Probably it is not a big surprise for you if I say that one of the strongest businesses in Ukraine is IT. Ukraine is famous of providing various IT services to the clients from all over the World. This was a fact before the war with Russia and it is still a fact now.

A good friend of mine – Konstantin Vasyuk is leading IT Ukraine Association  - the membership organization for IT companies who are based in Ukraine. I had a pleasure to talk to Konstantin many times in the past he as well as his colleagues from IT Ukraine Association were many times speakers and guests on business events organized in Poland.

I have invited Konstantin to join me in monthly talks updating of what is happening in Ukrainian IT industry. Here, in 74th episode of Good Morning BSS World, you can listen to our first talk, where we summarize the year of 2022. In next months we will bring you updates from upcoming months.

In this episode you will get familiar with who IT Ukraine Association is, what is the scale of Ukrainian IT industry, what kind of services Ukrainian IT companies provide and to which markets. You will also hear what is included in annual report “Do IT like Ukraine”. By the way, you can download this report from here -

This is not all, there are many other valuable and interesting insights concerning Ukrainian IT industry, which Konstantin is talking about.


And here come few other useful links:

Konstantin Vasyuk on LinkedIn -

IT Ukraine Association on LinkedIn -

IT Ukraine Association web page -



My name is Wiktor Doktór and on daily basis I run Pro Progressio Club - it's a community of many private companies and public sector organizations that care about the development of business relations in the B2B model. In the Good Morning BSS World podcast, apart from solo episodes, I share interviews with experts and specialists from global BPO/GBS industry.

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