
Katowice – a city with tremendous potential

Katowice – a city with tremendous potential

In an interview with Marcin Krupa, the Mayor of Katowice and an avid reader of FOCUS ON Business, we are wrapping up our series of interviews with investors published in 2023 on our pages. Through those conversations, we have gained insight into how entrepreneurs in Katowice perceive the city. What are the most valuable assets of Katowice from the perspective of its leader, and in which areas will the city flourish most prominently?

FOCUS ON Business: How does the Mayor perceive the city?

Marcin Krupa, Mayor of Katowice: Katowice is a combination of various areas that create one unique organism. Several elements make our city special. We take our commitment to sustainable development goals seriously, and we care about air quality and nature. The residents of Katowice know this, but the rest of Poland may not realize it, and it is worth emphasizing: we are one of the greenest cities in Poland with nearly half of the area made up of parks, forests and green spaces.

We invest in the future, that is why we are a dynamically developing center of new technologies and modern business services employing, in Katowice City alone, over 26,000 people. We also host large international events, such as the UN Climate Summit or the World Urban Forum (WUF11), as well as regular business, cultural and sports events. On top of this, let’s not forget that Katowice is the heart of the Metropolis: a huge urban organism that regulates the lives of over 2 million people.

Promoting the city during large events is an obvious benefit, but are there any others? What do residents and local investors gain from large events held in Katowice?

Many people who come to Kato wice for business come back here with their families to see a concert of the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra (NOSPR) in one of the best concert halls in the world, conducted by the world's most eminent contemporary female conductor, Marin Alsop. It is an experience worth remembering. Otherwise, you can also go to one of the music festivals known throughout Europe. I would like to emphasize that a conference participant who uses accommodation "leaves" over PLN 837 in Katowice, while those who do not stay overnight leave PLN 172. In 2022, it made up a total of over PLN 150 million!

And what about the future? What are Katowice's plans for itself?

Katowice was the first city in Central and Eastern Europe named the European City of Science 2024 – that's why we focus on science so much. At the same time, we are applying for the title of the European Capital of Culture 2029. In addition, we continue the construction of the city stadium and sports hall, and next summer we will open the Five Ponds Valley (a bathing beach and recreation area).

We are working on New Technology District – Katowice Gaming and Technology HUB, which is another huge undertaking that is now moving from the stage of concept and design to reality. It will be located on the site of a former coalmine, which means that we will symbolically bring back to life an area that is inactive but historically and emotionally important for the local community. We are securing the financing for this huge investment with a total value of approximately PLN 1 billion. I am convinced that it will take Katowice to the next level.

Is Katowice an ambitious city?

Very ambitious. Our role on the international arena is expanding, but we want to become a notable player. We are prepared for this and so are our residents. Katowice is one of the most important academic centers in the country, providing a wide and diverse educational offer for children, teenagers and adults. Every year, our 18 universities introduce over 22,000 well-educated people to the labor market: we have the human capital to meet any challenge. For years, we have been investing in the development of our residents. Students can take part in cyclic educational activities, for instance the P-TECH Program intended for high school students interested in IT. For college students we have the prestigious Corporate Readiness Certificate (CRC) Program, for secondary school pupils there is a "Katowice, the business and my future" project, and together with our partners, we have been implementing a project called "Katowice: The City of Professionals", which encourages young people to take up learning in vocational and technical schools.

Is Katowice also a SMART CITY?

Absolutely. Because, what is a smart city? In short, it is a city that uses technology to improve the services and well-being of its residents, focuses on sustainable development and economic development, by making the urban space more friendly for people, entrepreneurs and tourists. For years, we have been implementing the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals, and Katowice’s longterm strategy is shaped in this spirit. It’s the effect of our deep belief that a modern city is sustainable for everyone without exception. Our ambition is to create a place that learns about its inhabitants and their needs.

And what does this mean in practice?

It’s about the improving quality of life, e.g. the fact that the availability of apartments in Katowice is increasing and when comparing the average salaries of residents to the purchase costs, Katowice is still more affordable when it comes to purchasing real estate than other Polish cities. What else? Safety – we have the Katowice Intelligent Monitoring and Analysis System, which uses artificial intelligence to help detect events in the city and assist road inspection. We are introducing the Katowice Intelligent Transport Management System, which ensures, among others, a smoother flow of traffic in the city. Environment – we monitor air quality, subsidize the replacement of furnaces, focus on public transport where more and more buses are hybrid, electric and NGVs. And then our superhit: the city bike system with 125 bicycle stations, 1,010 rental bicycles, and almost 200 km of bicycle infrastructure, 85 km of which are paths in green areas (forests, parks).

I have already mentioned the high quality education. Let's also not forget about civic participation: the Civic Budget and Green Budget. If you are a resident of Katowice, you have many privileges, including Katowice Resident Card which offers discounts and bonuses from swimming pools, to cinemas, theaters and everyday services. So far, over 115,000 people have received the Resident Card.

In a nutshell, this is the path chosen by Katowice. It's a really good city to live in, and it's only going to get better.

Thank you for the interview.


Facts about Katowice:

2nd place in the Business Insider ranking in Best City to Live in Poland (2023)

4th place in the Business Insider ranking in the Best City to Live for Students category (2023)

Silver for sustainable development in the cities with over 400,000 daytime population category in The International Awards for Liveable Communities LivCom Awards 2023

6th place in "Top 10 Large European Cities of the Future 2023 – fDi Strategy” ranking: the area awarded is the City's strategy for attracting foreign direct investments (2023)

1st place in the ranking of Business-Friendly Cities by "Forbes" in the cities and communes of 150,000 – 299,000 inhabitants category (2022).


We invite you to read the FOCUS ON Katowice 2023 report prepared by Pro Progressio:



This article comes from magazine:
FOCUS ON Business #13 November-December (6/2023)

FOCUS ON Business #13 November-December (6/2023) Check the issue