
Success should be based on passion, innovativeness and professionalism

Success should be based on passion, innovativeness and professionalism

On reasons why nowadays people are the key factor for the success of a company, on new technologies in the financial sector and the perspectives of outsourcing in Poland - in an interview with Michał Stanioszczyk, Accounting Director at MDDP Outsourcing.

How much has the accounting, HR and payroll market evolved in the last several years? What is its current condition and what are the dominant market trends?

The outsourcing market for accounting, HR and payroll has been growing dynamically, adjusting to the changing needs and requirements of the Customers in the era of fast business transitions, technological development, legislative changes, as well as the continuous globalization of economy. Automation, data analyses, adjusting to legal regulations, industry-specific expertise, as well as actions under sustainable development have become the key components of rendered services. Outsourcing companies willing to become the leaders on the market must adjust to the trends and offer their Customers comprehensive, tailor-made solutions. What key trends do we have in mind?

Technological development is the most important trend that has been present for several years and it probably needs no introduction to readers of Focus on Business. The implementation of automation, artificial intelligence and machine learning has a direct impact on the accounting, HR and payroll outsourcing market. Outsourcing companies use advanced systems for automation of routine tasks, which contributes to higher effectiveness, reduced risk of “human” errors and faster services. The more complex and creative work aspects are handled by experts.

That is why MDDP Outsourcing relies on the full advantage and development of technology because we know the benefits of modern IT solutions for HR, payrolls and accounting. Technology allows us to automate all the repetitive processes and ensures efficient and reliable operation.

What are the advantages for our Customers? They save time on tedious accounting and administrative processes, reduce costs, introduce order and flexibility in the process as well as have greater solid control over it.

The second trend is data safety. Technological growth involves increased awareness of data safety. Outsourcing requires transfer of confidential financial and personnel data to third-party companies. That is why outsourcing companies must guarantee the highest standards for data safety, apply advanced encryption methods and ensure proper protection. The Customer must be convinced that they can fully trust the company.

Trend number three is focus on data analysis and reporting. The market of outsourcing is becoming a comprehensive tool supporting the development of the Customer’s business and providing the Customers with added value - not only in form of standard accounting, HR and payroll services but also in form of consultancy, such as financial analyses and reporting, business prospects, etc.

At MDDP Outsourcing, the Customer can most certainly expect an innovative approach that we understand as the search for and implementation of advanced and efficient solutions that will allow effective use of our resources to create the added value for our Customers.

Another major trend involves globalization and adjustment to legal regulations. As companies expand their operations onto the international market, the complexity of their accounting, HR and payroll operations increases. Thus, they decide to use outsourcing in order to have access to global knowledge, expertise and specialist skills.

For over 16 years, we have been listening to the feedback of the Customers of MDDP Outsourcing very carefully and we know how they appreciate our individual approach and the opportunity to work with experienced experts who are always at their disposal.

One should also point out the trend connected to the evolution of diversified outsourcing models. The Customer may choose a model that reflects their business needs because the market offers various outsourcing models, such as full outsourcing, partial outsourcing and the so-called hybrid approach where some processes are handled by the company while other are entrusted to external service providers. At MDDP Outsourcing, we also offer our Customers a wide array of services and full support, among others, in the implementation of a financial and accounting system or an HR and payroll system. If a company does not have their own system, we offer maintaining the accounts with the use of our own system. We are able to also successfully provide services through our Customers’ systems – from smaller ones such as Symfonia or Comarch to the largest ones like e.g., SAP. We also provide support in making our Customers’ accounting systems more efficient.

In the age of such significant market changes, the need to increase professional competences becomes a key aspect. How do you care for proper development of your employees?

I immediately need to highlight that we set the bar very high! Our employees have the opportunity to deliberately build their career path and we strongly support them. We provide them with a broad array of development possibilities, starting from vocational training and courses to specialist training and so-called soft training.

We greatly appreciate the positive approach of the employees towards our organization, the team, their roles and the tasks they are entrusted with. At MDDP Outsourcing, we employ both people with a dynamic career growth as well as those who have already achieved a satisfying level and now can simply fulfill themselves in our ranks.

Moreover, we really find it crucial that our employees feel their best at the company and that our collaboration lasts for many years.  We know that the key to - both our and our Customers’ - success lies in our team consisting of qualified, experienced specialists with knowledge in various sectors, often well familiar even with narrow specializations. Of course, our team is also a harmonious group of extraordinarily creative people that keeps growing because the development of MDDP Outsourcing is incredibly dynamic.

The changes in the area of legislation and regulations have a major impact on accounting and payroll processes. How does MDDP Outsourcing help its customers deal with the challenges connected with adjusting to the new legal regulations?

Above all, our Customer can feel safe with us because we monitor the actions of the legislator on an ongoing basis. We always adjust accounting and payroll procedures to the new requirements and ensure regular training of our employees to keep them up-to-date with the current regulations. As a company familiarized with new technologies, we use advanced methods for automated monitoring and reporting of legal changes, minimizing the risk of errors. Another advantage originates from our rich experience in outsourcing provided for companies of various industries and the connected thorough knowledge in specialist regulations. Our strategy involves active presence in all industries such as, among others, real estate, pharmacy and many technological companies. Thanks to ongoing monitoring of regulations, we are able to provide comprehensive support for companies of any industry.

The use of technology and automation is becoming more and more common in the business services sector. How does MDDP Outsourcing utilize modern technologies in its operations?

The philosophy of continuous improvement is in our DNA - we constantly enhance our processes in order to provide the Customers with services that are adjusted to their individual need and requirements on an ongoing basis. Every day, we review the processes that we manage to find areas for improvement and then we work on them, step by step. This is where automation comes in handy - it does not only eliminate repetitive actions but, above all, allows our employees to focus on the business analysis, which is extremely beneficial.

We have developed a set of solutions that increase the effectiveness of accounting, HR and payroll that our Customer can utilize at every stage of development of their organization e.g., electronic circulation of documents, conversion of electronic financial statements, FlexiHRM employee portal (employee documentation system), electronic employee files, online HR and payroll. We also utilize robots that facilitate the everyday work of our accounting, HR and payroll teams so that they can work faster and more effectively. Thanks to optimization of costs, we carry out the same tasks in a shorter period.

What are the perspectives for outsourcing, especially in terms of financial and accounting services, that you see in Poland? What are the advantages for companies that outsource such processes?

For many years, the prospects for the development of outsourcing in Poland have been very good. Financial and accounting services are at the forefront, just behind IT services. What are the advantages for a company that outsources process handling to another company? Above all, it means reduced operating costs, ability to concentrate on the key, strategic business areas, access to high-class third-party experts, access to advanced tools and technologies, flexible management of financial processes, as well as elimination of the risk related to accounting errors and irregularities. Of course, one needs to choose the adequate and responsible outsourcing partner.

Thank you for the conversation!

*Bauer Media Group

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