
Who could count on the highest salary increases in the Polish job market?

Who could count on the highest salary increases in the Polish job market?

The average monthly salary for specialists and managers was PLN 14,038, which represents a 3% increase compared to the previous year. We present conclusions from the 12th edition of the Antal Salary Report, indicating the level of remuneration for specialist and managerial positions.

Over the past year, small salary increases have been observed, mainly driven by inflation and the stabilization of general market trends. These increases are especially due to rising living costs, which translate into higher expectations for employees and candidates. However, employers are managing their budgets much more cautiously than last year, considering the higher costs associated with maintaining their operations.

Who benefited the most from salary increases?

The legal industry experienced the largest salary growth. Specialists and managers in this field could count on salaries 13% higher than the previous year, averaging PLN 14,505 gross. The pharmaceutical industry also ranked high with an 8% increase (average gross salary of PLN 14,637), followed by banking and insurance, where salaries also rose by 8% (average gross salary of PLN 13,738). The smallest increases, at 1%, were noted in the IT industry (average gross salary of PLN 18,996), logistics (average gross salary of PLN 12,317), and sales and marketing (average gross salary of PLN 13,966).

– Salary increases are primarily observed among individuals who have recently started their professional careers. They are the ones most affected by rising prices and, as a result, negotiate higher wages. Moreover, their salaries are indexed to inflation. At the same time, salaries for managers and directors are growing only slightly. The significant salary increases in the legal industry are due, among other factors, to intense competition for qualified specialists, especially in the areas of disputes, labor law, and taxes. On the other hand, the IT market is experiencing a market correction for the first time in many years. Many IT specialists are surprised by the decreasing number of job offers and extended recruitment projects. This is due to the fact that there are more available candidates in the market, and companies, with more scrutiny, are carefully matching candidates to their organizations – comments Artur Skiba, President of the Management Board at Antal.

Gifts and vouchers won't buy employees

According to Antal's survey, one of the most important benefits for specialists and managers is still the possibility of remote work (60%), despite a 9-percentage point decrease compared to the previous year. Private healthcare (55%) and flexible working hours (54%) also rank high. However, the benefit that experienced the greatest increase in popularity compared to the previous year, by 6 percentage points, was the provision of a company car. On the other hand, employees have become less interested in gifts and vouchers, with a decrease of 19 percentage points compared to the previous year.

– In the current transition from remote work to hybrid work, the office has become a factor influencing an employer's brand. Employees believe that if they have to return to the office, it should be modern and friendly. The work environment should not only support creativity and collaboration in diverse teams but also consider relaxation and integration of the corporate community. Employees also value employer support in maintaining work-life balance. An innovative response to these needs may be providing the team with concierge services. This way, an assistant can help employees with daily challenges, saving time and reducing stress resulting from the difficulties of balancing professional and personal life – explains Alicja Backer, Business Development Manager at Sodexo Polska.

Outsourcing, digitalization, and inflation – trends for the second half of 2023

The evolution and change towards sala ry growth are inevitable in today's times when more candidates expect higher wages to maintain the same or higher standard of living, considering the current inflation. Therefore, companies must adjust their salary strategies to current trends and seek additional non-monetary solutions to remain competitive in the job market. It is worth noting that outsourcing is becoming an increasingly popular form of collaboration.

– Instead of creating new positions, entrepreneurs choose to outsource mainly simple tasks and processes, allowing them to manage resources more efficiently. According to Antal's data, as many as 54% of specialists and managers have used outsourcing services at least once. 10% of respondents use outsourcing for over half of their specialist and managerial needs throughout the year. It is also worth noting the growing phenomenon of employing Polish candidates in international projects within outsourcing, in positions such as team assistants, project assistants, or personal assistants, fully remotely. In this case, the rates achieved are similar to those applicable in stationary or hybrid work modes – adds Dominik Kalinowski, Head of Outsourcing at Antal.

Currently, one of the most stable industries is banking, and this will also be the case in the second half of 2023. The absence of radical changes means that companies are planning development, and new vacancies are still being created.

– Organizations must act quickly to meet the challenges of digital transformation, encourage employees to change jobs, and attract new talent. At the same time, the stability of the banking sector in Poland and the need for its development and engagement indicate that it is an attractive sector for candidates seeking a growing workplace. COVID-19, process digitalization, and the development of AI have led to an increased demand for specialists in the field of cybersecurity and data security, along with a transformation in the area of payments and transaction digitalization – comments Sandra Moczarska, Team Manager at Antal Banking & Insurance.

About the study

The Antal 2023 Salary Report was prepared based on an analysis of the salaries of 8,691 specialists and managers participating in Antal's recruitment processes during the second half of 2022 and the first half of 2023. These data were verified and expanded with information from recruitment processes conducted by Antal consultants in 2022, as well as telephone interviews with employers and candidates.

The full report available here:


Author: Martyna Petrus, PR Specialist, Antal.

This article comes from magazine:
FOCUS ON Business #12 September-October (5/2023)

FOCUS ON Business #12 September-October (5/2023) Check the issue