
Programming in the mountains – in Bielsko-Biała

Programming in the mountains – in Bielsko-Biała

Bielsko-Biała is a city where the IT industry is developing very dynamically. From branches of international corporations, through software companies that have been operating on the market for a long time, to software houses and startups. As a result, the demand for specialists is quite high.

The profession of a programmer, despite market fluctuations, is constantly and invariably an extremely attractive proposition, especially for young people entering the labor market. This is influenced by many factors – the achievable entry barrier, attractive earnings from the first months of professional activity, and the cultivated good practices in organizations – because the creative industry cares with particular passion for the well-being of employees and is even famous for its flexibility.

There is also a visible trend in which people who value work-life balance and like a escape from professional life find refuge not in crowded metropolises but in small towns, and to say that Bielsko--Biała is a good place to work and live is like saying nothing.

Free time at the foot of Beskids

The advantages and opportunities offered by the city could be enumerated for hours. For sports lovers – countless Enduro trails, for fans of slightly more extreme activities – an aero club, and thanks to the location at the foot of the beautiful Beskids and the possibility of jumping into the mountains – a paradise for every enthusiast of mountain hiking, and for water sports enthusiasts – Żywieckie lake in the area. It is impossible not to mention the cultural aspects and entertainment facilities of the city. Bielsko-Biała residents can really choose between performances, exhibitions, and  concerts. Adventure, sport, culture, and the atmosphere of charming tenement houses – all this makes the city a uniquely wonderful place to live.

HUB for programming enthusiasts

Bielsko-Biała companies are very active in introducing young people to the world of coding. Through the initiatives they undertake from the beginning, they have an impact on building good professional practices. One of the initiatives that is periodically implemented by Software House Selleo is Coder Dojo.

Coder Dojo is an international initiative that was born in Ireland but is conquering the world with success and great enthusiasm. With a slight dose of immodesty, it is nice to mention that in Bielsko-Biała is a hub which actively shapes programmers and organizes meetings invariably once a week. In practice, Coder Dojo is an open, free meeting that aims to bring together people interested in programming and create a knowledge exchange zone. Literally anyone can come to Coder Dojo, and that's how it is. Since the beginning of the meetings in Bielsko-Biała, this idea has been gaining more and more popularity. Today, the "Coder Dojo Ninjas" group consists of both students who are just taking their first professional steps and who were originally the beneficiaries of the meetings, as well as people who decide to change their sector from completely different professions. It is amazing that the Coder Dojo meetings became the actual beginning of work as a programmer for many enthusiasts of writing code. Mentors at the meetings are actively practicing developers who have two things in common – firstly, an amazing passion for coding, and secondly – an impressive practice. What stands behind their profession is that today we have the pleasure to observe the careers of some of the "gra-duates" of Coder Dojo.

IT initiatives Valley

Coder Dojo is not the only place where young adepts and enthusiasts of new technologies will develop their interests; it is not without reason that Bielsko-Biała is called "the IT hub". The biggest initiative that has been undertaken year after year for 5 years is the BBdays4.IT festival, which is a week of meetups, trainings, conferences, and events that not only educate young people but also integrate the industry, providing an annual opportunity for such extensive networking BBdays4.IT is a truly versatile event. There is a lot going on – from less official events, such as BBQ4.IT – a thematic barbecue enriched with lectures and more and more unusual attractions every year, to the BBconf4.IT conference, which is a meeting between business and young programmers. This conference is the culminating moment of BBdays4.IT – during the whole day of lectures, people who want to get to know Bielsko-Biała entrepreneurs a little better have the opportunity to talk to representatives of companies from the creative sector, learn about the scope of activities, and learn more about recruitment, internship, and apprenticeship programs, and it must be admitted – there is no shortage of those in the city. The entire festival week is enriched with quite original activities and is crowned with a Hackathon, during which teams of programmers compete to create solutions that meet the needs of the inhabitants of Bielsko-Biała. The exact topics of the Hackathon are not known until the end, but the creativity of young programmers from Bielsko-Biała can positively surprise, even despite the limited time for the task, which is only 24 hours.

It's worth staying up-to-date with what's going on in the city. Particularly noteworthy is Meet.js, which, like Coder Dojo, is a continuation of the international idea with a hub in Bielsko-Biała. Again, this initiative is dedicated not only to pupils and students but also to people who want to change their industry or are already practicing and are looking for a place where they can discuss the solutions they are taking with their colleagues. At each meet.js you can expect lectures and a discussion panel on web-javascript topics in a soft, accessible, casual, and unofficial atmosphere. The last design meeting attracted a record number of participants.

Science and business collaboration

There are actually a lot of initiatives in the city, and when writing about the development of young people in the creative sector, it is impossible not to mention the amazing activity of the Student Re- search Group Reset, operating at the University of Bielsko-Biała. Thanks to the unique creativity of Reset, the business environment has the opportunity to stay in touch and meet the needs of students. Through the annual organization of the Beskid IT Academic Day conference, companies can meet students from high schools, technical colleges, and universities. Every year, there are also more and more smaller initiatives,

such as guest lectures, hackathons, or e-sports tournaments. The integration of the academic community with the world of business is an aspect that is extremely appreciated by both sides, positively influencing the development and prestige of the university as well as facilitating the recruitment of young, ambitious, beginner programmers.

Thanks to all these events, the city is becoming attractive not only to young programmers who are just starting their careers, but it is also becoming an excel-

lent space for business development. Numerous initiatives as well as favorable infrastructure and the region definitely serve the city, which can be observed at every step. More and more young people decide to return to their homeland after completing their education outside Bielsko-Biała, and this is probably one of the best compliments that can distinguish the city.

Author: Maria Nowicka

This article comes from magazine:
FOCUS ON Business #12 September-October (5/2023)

FOCUS ON Business #12 September-October (5/2023) Check the issue