#14 January-February 1/2014
#14 January-February 1/2014
Main interview: 2013 in Polish outsourcing Pages: 140

Dear Readers,

2013 was the year of many premiers and even more interesting events. Pro Progressio Foundation started its activities by opening Outsourcing Club as well as by promoting outsourcing providers and educating
about industry in Poland. Polish Outsourcing Forum has been organized outside of Poland and Warsaw School of Economics started Outsourcing Market Leaders Academy. Other Polish Universities also initiated BPO and outsourcing education programs. ASPIRE and ABSL conferences became very popular industry events and group much wider group of Polish and international delegates. SSON (The Shared Services & Outsourcing Network) also moved a rage of events into Poland and CEE Region.

First time in Polish history there were organized Outsourcing Fairs and business process outsourcing became the main topic of the European Economy Forum in Lodz. Those are only selected important events that have been organized in 2013 and there were many many more.

On renewed pages of Outsourcing&More we are presenting you opinions of the outsourcing industry experts in relation to 2013. We are also introducing new sections, including such areas like description of outsourcing industry employee profiles. During all 2014 we will present you two fixed cycles of articles focused on work place ergonomics and modern office spaces dedicated to the requirements of BPO/SSC and other types of outsourcing services.

In the current issue we’d like to invite you to get familiar with interesting and inspiring interview with Waldemar Olbryk – General Manager of Skanska Property Poland; Rafał Jarosz writes article in our new section of “Outsourcing Academy” and on following pages you can find publication concerning coworking and legal advisory.

Wishing you many successes and business opportunities as well as very fruitful 2014, we present you the brand new Outsourcing&More.