
Arctic Expedition under media patronage by FOCUS ON Business: Join the incredible journey

Arctic Expedition under media patronage by FOCUS ON Business: Join the incredible journey

Imagine embarking on a journey where you uncover the secrets of the majestic Arctic wilderness, delve into personal development, and find the perfect balance between life's pace and inner peace. Amidst professional challenges and personal ambitions, have you ever felt the need to pause and reconnect with what truly matters? This is not just an adventure – it's a transformation.

We invite you to a unique expedition that transcends conventional boundaries. It's time to connect with nature, your inner self, and the rhythm of life. Intrigued? Join the expedition and embark on a journey that promises not only growth but also a profound personal transformation.

Don't wait to experience this exceptional connection with nature and yourself. This is an opportunity to slow down, reflect on what truly matters in life, and return to daily life with renewed energy and perspective. This expedition is more than just a journey - it's a path to finding peace and harmony that will bring you joy and fulfillment at every step.

Join the expedition and let this extraordinary adventure become the beginning of your personal transformation. During the voyage, you will discover that the true journey begins with inner peace and harmony with the world around us.

Expedition Details:

  • Exclusive, small group: Only 8 participants.
  • Your personal journey: Arctic exploring experience combined with bespoke coaching programme.
  • 1 x 30-minute introductory session: A personalized session with each participant to define individual aspirations and program goals.
  • 3 x 90-minute individual sessions: A deeper dive into each participant’s unique journey
  • 3 x 90-minute interactive webinars:
    • Setting the Course
    • Navigating the Self
    • Living the Adventure
  • Arctic Expedition: A week-long cruise on the Arctic Ocean, including Arctic nature experiences and wildlife observation.
  • Post-expedition group discussion: Reflecting on the journey, sharing personal insights and experiences.
  • Private Facebook and WhatsApp groups: Access to a private Facebook group and a dedicated WhatsApp channel for ongoing interaction and real-time guidance.


The sailing trip will take place on July 16-23, 2024. No prior sailing experience or skills are required.


Krzysztof Woźniak and Piotr Macieja, experienced Arctic explorers and coaches, will share their knowledge and experience, guiding participants through a process of personal transformation.


For more information, please contact:

FOCUS ON Business is the media patron of the expedition.


Embark on this extraordinary journey where the Arctic landscape will become the backdrop for your personal transformation and renewal. Seeking deeper meaning or a fresh start? The Arctic can help you discover answers to many of your questions.