
Latest trends in logistics and fleet management

How can the parcel be delivered most efficiently from the warehouse to the recipient? This question occupies parcel delivery companies as well as vehicle technicians. At the International VDI Conference on Smart Last Mile Delivery, held in Hamburg on 5 and 6 December 2018, international experts will present the latest trends in logistics and fleet management.

The so-called "last mile" to the front door of the recipient is not only the most difficult, but also the most expensive for logisticians. Vehicle manufacturers and logistics experts are working on new technologies. Emission-free, networked and autonomous - that's how the companies in the industry imagine the service in the future. This should not only relieve the traffic, but also the work of the suppliers. The computer takes care of loading, driving and parking, while the deliverer can take care of office work.

E-commerce and global online retailing will continue to increase interest in the topic of the "Smart Last Mile" in the future. For it to work, cities need to provide appropriate infrastructures. At the international VDI conference Smart Last Mile Delivery, policy makers, e.g. from Gothenburg or Brussels, introduce their plans and visions for efficient final steps of the deliverer.

The top themes of the event are:

  • New business models – Gaining value tomorrow
  • Thinkbox: Setting the Scene of Future Logistics
  • Solution Concepts – How to tackle Gridlock
  • Policy, Planning, Interests and Roles - International Cases and Best Practices
  • Panel DiscussionSolution concepts from different Industries

On the day before the conference, the workshop "International VDI Workshop - Fleet Management in Material Handling Business" will take place. The event picks up the crucial developments in the area of operational fleet management from a commercial point of view and explains how autonomous vehicles can already be integrated.
