
Łódź cross-city tunnel: new business horizons

Łódź cross-city tunnel: new business horizons

Nearly three million tons of excavated soil. Two gigantic shields rotating three times per minute, situated twenty meters below ground over a stretch of more than seven kilometers. These are only some of the impressive figures related to the premier infrastructure initiative in the city of Łódź – a cross-city tunnel linking Łódź Fabryczna with the Łódź Kaliska and Łódź Żabieniec stations. Successful completion of this project will elevate the city's status as a pivotal business and transportation hub nationwide.

Infrastructure investments play a crucial role in the development of any urban center. A comprehensive and modern communication network translates to numerous tangible benefits, such as shortened travel times, enhanced traffic efficiency, and reduced air pollution. Additionally, investments of this nature carry significant intangible value as they elevate the overall comfort for both residents and visitors, symbolizing the city's progress and serving as a magnet for new investors.

Convenient route to the city center

In September 2018 the conceptual design received approval, and work on the construction site commenced over the subsequent months. Łódź cross-city tunnel is not just a strategic investment for the city itself; it plays a vital role in a larger plan to create a highly efficient system of interregional train connections throughout Poland. The tunnel will facilitate passage of regional and long-distance trains through Łódź, spanning the east-west and north-south axes. Transformation of Łódź Fabryczna – one of Poland's most modern railway stations – and turning it into a dynamic through station lies at the heart of the project. The cross-city tunnel will connect Łódź Fabryczna with Łódź Kaliska and Łódź Żabieniec stations, thus significantly reducing travel time in the city center.

Project envisages the construction of three railway halts, located at Łódź Polesie, Łódź Śródmieście, and Łódź Koziny. These will seamlessly integrate railway with public transport, offering residents in and around the city of Łódź a very convenient route to the city center. Furthermore, this solution positively impacts the accessibility of current business locations and office parks as well as paves the way for new investments. This means that, in the grand scheme of things, the cross-city tunnel will enhance the city's business appeal.

The TBM technology

All the benefits listed above are made possible by relying on a cutting-edge technology called the TBM. Tunnel Boring Machines – as this is what the anagram stands for – are true engineering marvels and the two machines at work in Łódź had been produced by Herrenknecht, a German manufacturer. The smaller one, named ‘Faustyna', weighs close to 650 tons and its shield diameter stands at nearly 9 meters. ‘Katarzyna’, its larger counterpart, is a real giant: with a total weight of 1,500 tons, it boasts a cutter head with a diameter exceeding 13 meters. Unsurprisingly, 'Katarzyna' is the largest machine of its kind ever deployed in Poland! Their month-long journey to the construction site was a logistical masterpiece in itself and the day-to-day operation requires supervision by numerous professionals present on site – including designers, engineers, and builders.

TBM technology provides a comprehensive toolset related to risk mitigation, particularly regarding risk associated with construction in densely populated areas. innovative design employed in the Łódź project means that issues such as subsidence, landslides, and vibrations are addressed in a thorough and complete manner. After excavating a portion of the tunnel, its structure is supported with reinforced concrete tubing. The outer tunnel wall is connected to the soil by means of a special material designed to prevent subsidence. The challenging ground and construction conditions present in this project require the securing of subsequent buildings along the designated route, meticulous machine calibration, and constant attention to detail. Nevertheless, construction continues to progress, with some stages already completed.

Infrastructure valued by investors

The construction of the cross-city tunnel in Łódź promises a diverse array of economic advantages. Among the key beneficiaries is the city's rapidly growing modern Business Services Sector (BSS). The proactive initiatives led by the Łódź Office of Economic Development and International Cooperation (‘Invest in Łódź’), working closely with a wide spectrum of stake holders, consistently enrich the offerings available to investors contemplating the establishment or expansion of their operations in Łódź. The cross-city tunnel emerges as a significant ally in this regard, as seamless commuting and travel – both locally and internationally – play a pivotal role in the site selection process. This aspect is often underestimated by cities vying for new investments, which is a mistake given its substantial impact on employee satisfaction and turnover reduction.

The cross-city tunnel, set to enhance both internal and external connectivity, is poised to act as a catalyst for the continued development of the business services sector in Łódź – which has experienced excellent growth in recent years.

Numbers will paint a vivid picture of the said growth. Since 2018, just as the construction process of the cross-city tunnel was taking off, the business services sector witnessed a remarkable surge. Total workforce increased by nearly 8,000 people in that period and currently stands at over 35,000 employees. Łódź was chosen by well-known brands, such as Alorica, Signify, and Ericsson, resulting in the establishment of more than 110 BSS centers. Initiatives fostering collaboration between universities and employers, like the ‘Youth in Łódź’ program – the largest of its kind in Poland – continue to enhance the skillset of young professionals in the city, enabling them to start their careers in Łódź.

The office real estate market is also keeping pace, as it has witnessed the addition of 43,000 square meters of brand-new office space in 2022 alone. Investors are spoiled for choice, with an extensive selection of over 600,000 square meters of business space available. Anticipating further industry growth, the real estate market is set to expand by an additional 30,000 square meters over the next twenty-four months, reflecting a positive and optimistic outlook.

Łódź – a future-proof city

Let’s take a moment to glance at the bust ling construction site once more. The smaller machine has begun drilling the third tunnel out of the initially planned four, with the entire project slated for completion in 2025. Overall, this infrastructure endeavor is set to become a pivotal contributor to Łódź's evolution into a creative, innovative, and futureproof city. Its impact will extend far and wide, providing significant and direct support to various industries, including the modern business services sector. It is a step toward a more efficient transport system elevating the city's competitiveness, directly translating into economic growth, and enhancing employment options.

Łódź is charting new territories for business and fostering an inspiring environment for innovation — it is a real success story unfolding right in the very heart of Poland.

Author: Michał Kramar, MK Advisory

This article comes from magazine:
FOCUS ON Business #15 March-April (2/2024)

FOCUS ON Business #15 March-April (2/2024) Check the issue