
What is the recruitment funnel and how to build it?

What is the recruitment funnel and how to build it?

The recruitment funnel is a structural model representing the stages through which a candidate goes from showing interest in a job offer to accepting the offer and being hired. This tool is fundamental for effectively managing the recruitment process, enabling its organization, monitoring, and optimization. How to build the recruitment funnel correctly and why is it worth doing?

From this article, you will learn:

  • what the recruitment funnel is,
  • why it is worth creating a recruitment funnel,
  • how the recruitment funnel is built,
  • what the key elements of the recruitment funnel are.

Why is it worth creating a recruitment funnel?

  • The recruitment funnel provides a clear structure for the recruitment process, making it easier to manage.
  • It allows for the identification of areas requiring optimization, thus shortening the time needed to complete recruitment.
  • It enables reducing the number of unfilled vacancies, thus saving the company’s budget.
  • Thanks to the defined stages of the funnel, candidate assessment becomes more objective and focused on key criteria.
  • The funnel structure contributes to creating a positive candidate experience through clear communication and adherence to deadlines.

Stages of the recruitment funnel

What are the stages of the recruitment funnel? Each company may build it slightly differently. However, it usually consists of the following elements:

  • candidate sourcing,
  • candidate engagement,
  • candidate assessment,
  • job offer submission,
  • job offer acceptance.

What does each stage involve? It’s worth taking a closer look at them.

Candidate Sourcing

The first stage in the recruitment funnel is the process of sourcing candidates, which begins with a well-written job posting. This stage is crucial because the number and quality of applications depend on it.

What information should be included in the job posting?

  • Concise description of the company, its activities, and values.
  • Links to the company website and social media for quick access to information.
  • Encouragement of candidates by clearly presenting the benefits of working for the company.
  • Precise definition of requirements and expectations for candidates, such as skills, experience, or education level.
  • A brief description of the planned recruitment process, indicating future selection stages.

Candidate Engagement

At this stage, recruiters are tasked not only with reviewing application documents but primarily with initiating interaction with potential employees. This stage plays a crucial role in maintaining candidates’ interest and providing them with the necessary information to participate in further recruitment stages.

What matters at this stage?

  • Providing quick responses to candidates’ questions, making them feel appreciated and noticed.
  • Planning and conducting preliminary interviews to get to know potential employees better.
  • Using data from the recruitment funnel to identify areas requiring improvement, e.g., by analyzing the number of applications compared to the number of accepted candidates.

Candidate Assessment

The candidate assessment stage is a crucial moment in the recruitment process, during which the recruiter carefully analyzes whether the candidate meets all the necessary requirements set by the company. This verification is based on various analysis methods, such as in-depth interviews, trial tasks, or personality tests.

Several aspects should be emphasized at this stage:

  • Conducting interviews with candidates to identify soft skills, motivation for work, and alignment with the company’s values.
  • Allowing direct contact with a potential supervisor or team, which allows for a more detailed assessment of the candidate’s abilities.
  • Using specialized psychometric tests, skills tests, or industry knowledge assessments for an objective evaluation of candidates.

Job Offer Submission

After carefully assessing the candidates and selecting potential employees, the company moves on to the job offer submission stage, which is crucial for convincing the chosen candidate to start cooperation. A valuable job offer should be comprehensive and clear, considering all relevant employment-related elements to effectively persuade the candidate to make a decision.

It is necessary to present detailed employment conditions:

  • Clear determination of salary, probation period length, benefits package, insurance, as well as other benefits such as perks or non-monetary bonuses.
  • Including a draft employment contract with the job offer, allowing the candidate to familiarize themselves with the employment conditions before making a final decision.
  • Precisely presenting work conditions, such as location, working hours, remote work opportunities, or special office presence requirements.

Job Offer Acceptance

After submitting the job offer, the next key stage in the recruitment funnel is the acceptance of the offer by the candidate. When the future employee signs the job offer, the recruiter must meticulously ensure the completion of the final formalities to ensure a smooth and efficient hiring process.

What matters at this stage?

  • Formal confirmation of acceptance of employment conditions by the candidate.
  • Setting the date and time of the new employee’s start of work.
  • Introducing the employee to the scope of duties, company operating rules, and acquainting them with the team and work environment.
  • Verification of documents, signing contracts, and other necessary administrative documents.

How to build the recruitment funnel?

  1. Company needs analysis – define the current and future needs of the company in terms of personnel. Also, determine the key competencies and skills of sought-after employees.
  2. Identification of key stages – create a list of stages that the candidate must go through from application submission to hiring. Determine which of these stages are crucial for the given position.
  3. Setting selection criteria – define clear criteria according to which you will assess candidates at each stage of the funnel.
  4. Selection of recruitment tools – choose appropriate recruitment tools, such as ATS systems, that support the funnel process. Customize them to the company’s specifics to streamline candidate management and data collection.
  5. Matching the funnel to the industry – consider industry-specific requirements and the nature of work when designing the funnel.
  6. Communication with the recruitment team – provide clear guidelines to the recruitment team regarding expected actions at each stage. At the same time, provide training for recruiters on using the funnel and assessing candidates.
  7. Conduct tests – start with fewer vacancies or a pilot project. Monitor effectiveness and gather feedback from the recruitment team. Make adjustments to the funnel to adapt it to changing needs.
  8. Integration with onboarding – integrate the recruitment funnel with the onboarding process. Facilitate the transition for new employees from accepting the offer to performing duties.
  9. Regular evaluation – systematically review data from the recruitment process and assess the effectiveness of the funnel.

Recruitment funnel – summary

The recruitment funnel is a key tool for companies wishing to effectively manage recruitment processes. A structured approach allows for systematizing actions, shortening recruitment time, and improving the quality of the entire process. The funnel enables informed decision-making in personnel matters and quick reaction to any problems in the recruitment process.