
Robert Madej takes up the position of director of the CH Ogrody shopping centre in Elbląg

Robert Madej takes up the position of director of the CH Ogrody shopping centre in Elbląg

Robert Madej has joined the team responsible for the commercial properties of CPI Property Group Poland as the director of the CH Ogrody shopping centre in Elbląg.

The new director has many years of experience in the retail space business. As a senior leasing manager, he was responsible for the development of all the brands in LPP’s portfolio, signing contracts for a total of approximately 350,000 sqm. Over the last few years, he has also run his own business focused on providing management and leasing services for retail centres.

“Ogrody is a regional mall that is both appreciated by tenants and very popular among customers, which is why I’m extremely pleased to be joining the team taking care of this centre. I’m looking forward to the new challenges, which involve maintaining the leading position of Ogrody and offering the residents of Elbląg and the region’s shoppers new opportunities and attractions in the centre,” says Robert Madej, the new director of CH Ogrody.

“We warmly welcome Robert to our group and are convinced that he will take to his new role perfectly. We manage our centres as owners, which means that we take the utmost care of them, focusing on an attractive range of brands and services for customers and maintaining the excellent condition of the centre, thus providing a modern and comfortable place for shopping and spending free time,” emphasises Beata Krawczyk, the Head of Asset Management Retail at CPIPG.


CPI Property Group