
Unveiling Ukraine's finest: The remarkable tech catalogue of Ukrainian IT companies & products

Unveiling Ukraine's finest: The remarkable tech catalogue of Ukrainian IT companies & products

In the fast-paced realm of technology and innovation, Ukraine has truly shone as a standout player in the global tech landscape. It's here that intricate IT solutions are conceived and world-renowned IT products are brought to life. While the ongoing war has cast an international spotlight on Ukraine, it's crucial to expand the perspective and emphasise that Ukraine is not just a nation in turmoil; it's also the cradle of cutting-edge IT solutions, benefiting both businesses and individuals.

The IT sector has showcased its remarkable resilience and adaptability. Since 2010, the industry has grown by an impressive 18.2 times. Currently, we can proudly count around 2,262 registered IT companies, employing approximately 362,000 IT professionals. In 2022, the sector generated a substantial $7.34 billion in export revenue, marking a 5.8% growth compared to the pre-war year. This achievement firmly positions IT alongside traditional export leaders like the Mining and Metallurgical Complex and Industrial Agriculture.

While IT service exports did experience a 9.3% decrease in the first half of 2023, it’s noteworthy that this still represents a $27 million increase compared to the first half of 2021, before the war. This underscores the industry’s resilience, as reflected in the financial indicators, which demonstrate that the Ukrainian IT sector has not only weathered the crisis but is poised for further growth.

The unique expertise gained during these challenging times has equipped our companies to function effectively under any circumstances and successfully complete projects. Resilience has evolved from a mere concept into a demonstrated skill. In fact, Gartner, a global technology research leader, now advises its clients to evaluate Ukrainian companies using the same risk standards and benchmarks as IT enterprises in other nations. With this in mind, the “Incredible Tech” catalogue aims to introduce the world to Ukraine’s exceptional IT products, shining a spotlight on their quality and global significance.

This impressive initiative has been brought to fruition through the collaborative efforts of the IT Ukraine Association, working jointly with the Ministry of Digital Transformation and the esteemed Top Lead agency. Together, they have meticulously crafted a catalogue that showcases promising IT products and companies from Ukraine, aptly named "Incredible Tech". This catalogue serves as a priceless resource for presenting Ukraine’s IT sector to a global audience. Beyond spotlighting top-notch Ukrainian IT offerings, it delves deep into the potential of Ukraine’s technology industry.

– "The Incredible Tech" is a practical and powerful tool for promoting Ukraine’s IT industry on the international stage. It not only showcases the best Ukrainian IT products but also equips potential investors and partners with a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities within the Ukrainian tech industry. This catalogue will undoubtedly facilitate attracting investments and fostering collaborations with international partners, ultimately propelling the growth and expansion of Ukrainian IT companies on the global market – comments Maria Shevchuk, the Acting Executive Director of the IT Ukraine Association.

The "Incredible Tech" is thoughtfully divided into two sections: one featuring IT companies ready to engage with international partners, customers, and investors, and the other highlighting the IT products themselves, neatly categorised into distinct industry verticals.

The selection process for inclusion in the catalogue was conducted meticulously by an independent expert council composed of representatives from the Ministry of Digital Transformation, tech company founders and CEOs, and seasoned investors. Council members were selected based on their expertise, industry knowledge and, obviously, willingness to contribute.

– Presently, millions of customers and businesses worldwide are engaging with applications, systems, and other pro ducts developed by Ukrainian companies. We’ve crafted this catalogue to open the eyes of prospective partners and investors to the boundless potential of the Ukrainian IT industry, showcasing the limitless possibilities that Ukrainian IT offers. It’s our way of introducing investors to the brilliant teams and entrepreneurs behind these innovations, says Stanislav Shum, CEO of TopLead.

The Information Technology industry stands out as one of Ukraine’s most dynamic and thriving sectors, maintaining its momentum even in the face of challenging times. With an unwavering commitment to adopting cutting edge technologies and innovative approaches, it plays an indispensable role in nurturing talent and propelling groundbreaking products.

The "Incredible Tech" is exclusively dedicated to showcasing Ukrainian companies and IT products. These entities either have Ukrainian registration or are founded by Ukrainians, maintaining offices or a representative presence within Ukraine. This criterion ensures that the catalogue accurately reflects the essence of Ukraine’s IT landscape.

The selection spotlights prominent Ukrainian IT products and their developers across various sectors such as Defense Tech, AI, Ehealth, Automotive, Fintech, Telecom, eGovernment, and more. These products have made an indelible mark on the global stage, contributing to Ukraine’s reputation as an IT powerhouse.

As Mykhailo Fedorov, Vice Prime Minister for Innovations, Development of Education, Science, and Technologies – Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine underlines: – Ukraine is a nation brimming with creativity and talent, where ideas materialise within days, and the latest technologies are conceived today. The IT sector has consistently ranked among the top priorities for the Ministry of Digital Transformation. Today, it holds a place of paramount importance for the entire nation. Having proven its resilience even during the full-scale Russian invasion, our country now stands as an ideal testing ground for the most cutting-edge technologies. We are particularly invested in the development of defence technology solutions that will empower our country to protect its freedom and democracy. Ukraine takes pride in being the homeland to hundreds of well-known IT companies and startups that have thrived and scaled even in times of conflict, during power outages, and missile attacks. I urge you to support the Ukrainian tech industry by investing in our people and the products they create, for in doing so, you invest in the future of a free and democratic world.

The selection has been meticulously prepared in English to cater to its intended audience, which includes representatives from foreign businesses and international venture funds. This outreach extends to all potential foreign customers and investors keen on exploring Ukraine’s burgeoning IT sector.

The dissemination of the catalogue will reach governmental and nongovernmental organisations in Ukraine and various other countries. Additionally, it will be showcased at Ukrainian and international events centred around technology and digital transformation. This strategic promotion aims to spotlight Ukraine’s IT capabilities, attract investments into the industry, and support existing IT businesses in their journey to scale new heights.

Ukrainian IT has witnessed rapid growth and has evolved into Ukraine’s second largest export industry. Ukrainian products and companies have made their presence felt worldwide, with some attaining global recognition and prominence.

This is precisely why "Incredible Tech" was created – a powerful tool to promote Ukraine’s IT industry on the global stage. It serves as a means to illuminate the world about Ukraine’s IT capabilities, attract investment to the industry, and facilitate the growth of existing IT enterprises.

The "Incredible Tech" catalogue features an array of excellent and promising Ukrainian IT products and companies, thoughtfully categorised by industry verticals. Within its pages, one can discover both small yet promising firms and behemoth tech companies whose products are embraced by millions of individuals and businesses worldwide.

As we journey through the pages, we embark on a remarkable exploration of Ukrainian IT excellence. It serves as a testament to Ukraine’s resilience, creativity, and unwavering commitment to innovation even in challenging times. This catalogue represents not only a showcase of technological achievements but also an invitation to the world to collaborate, invest, and partner with Ukraine in shaping the future of technology. In doing so, we collectively contribute to a brighter and more connected world, where innovation knows no bounds.

The full version of the Incredible Tech catalogue is available here.

This article comes from magazine:
FOCUS ON Business #13 November-December (6/2023)

FOCUS ON Business #13 November-December (6/2023) Check the issue